Friday, March 27, 2009

La Denver Dish

Guess who has a new blog!? My big sister, La.

Laura lives in Denver and works as a doctor, delivering babies for her day (and night!) job. I am super proud of her and miss her much, as Denver is far, far away.

She blogs about one of our favorite topics-- food-- while sharing memories and experiences and bits of her life with her lucky audience. She is a gorgeous, crafted writer-- much better than I, as she actually studied writing at Wash U before she decided to become a fancy doctor.

Laura and I turned into two very different grown-ups... she lives in the mountains of Colorado and I have a tiny brownstone in New York. She studied medicine; I studied art. She spent her time abroad volunteering at clinics in South and Central America; I spent mine studying paintings and theater in Western Europe and on French speaking islands. She spends her weekends skiing the Rockies and I spend mine in galleries, movie theaters, and brunch spots. She is in a Final Four bracket and I don't even know what that is.

We both like wine, though. And food. And travel. We have the same voice and the same sense of humor. We shared a childhood and we share every single memory. She cracks me up like no one else and is my favorite person to watch laugh. (Admit it, we love watching Laura laugh.)

Her site is and YOU should start reading. Her current post is about none other than her little sister Sarah and my favorite dish, ratatouille. Yes, I cook. Who knew?!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. I have never been so excited about a blog post. I was so surprised and honored to see my photo on your blog! Maybe I'll gain some followers! (hint hint) Thank you for inspiring me to create my own blog! It has truly improved my recent quality of fun. :-)

MeggieSue said...

I'm loving La Denver Dish. Definitely became a follower :) The Butler girls are the best bloggers!

Sarah said...

"Laura is SO COOL and SO PRETTY."

"Laura's blog is so smart and so delicious."
-Jamie Oliver

"Wow. I want to travel Spain with this girl."
-Mark Bittman

"La Denver Dish is my favorite read."
-Molly Witzenburg

"Laura is my idol."
-Gwenyth Paltrow

"She lives such a glamorous, amazing life AND delivers babies?!?!?"
-Meredith Grey

"Laura ROCKS."
-Ellen Degeneres

Unknown said...

thanks so much for passing the messages on to me. i'll have to call them all personally to thank them. :-)