Friday, December 3, 2010

William Albert Allard

A shivering group of former Midwesterners (and one Alaskan!) arrived at Steven Kasher Gallery last night for the opening of William Albert Allard's photography exhibit, not knowing quite what to expect. Allard is a celebrated National Geographic photographer, and has been for almost 50 years, but we know him as 'Kate's dad's friend from Minnesota.'

We were greeted by the best possible addition to a gallery opening-- a coat check!!!-- alongside a warm group of appreciative viewers. The real other art-types are all down in Miami (without me) which perhaps added to the warmth and friendly tone of last night's Chelsea showing. Less pomp, more sincerity. (Sour grapes? Possibly.)

Allard's work is what you expect-- narrative, epic, impactful. The exhibit spans nearly five decades of large-scale color photographs and a selection of unique Polaroids that had us all itching to ditch our city jobs for that which would allow us time in Spain, in Mexico, and Argentina.

'National Geographic Photographer' might just be the most enviable job around, yessirry, and the photographer himself was kind, to boot. A lovely night in Chelsea--not at all expected and oh-so-refreshing for this stunted gallerina.

The show runs through January 8th, and is accompanied by a worthy catalog-- get thee to Kasher.

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