Lo lives in Seattle and is taking part in The Nervous Breakdown Literary Experience tomorrow night, reading new work from her forthcoming essay collection, When You____ I Feel_____ Because____. If you live in Seattle, you should go. She's good.
Her latest essay, published by TNB, is called Alex and you should read it immediately. (Wow, I'm bossy today, but I feel very strongly about this.) It's one of my favorite things she's written, other than a note she once wrote for me on a laminated post-it that she then mailed to me with instructions to keep it in my wallet at all times. It says 'YOU'RE A TOTAL CATCH!'* and when I see it I believe her. She's that convincing.
Alex: http://www.thenervousbreakdown.com/lhoffman/2010/08/alex/
Reading: Thursday, September 23, 7 pm at the Jewelbox Theater in the Rendezvous, 2322 2nd Avenue in the north part of Belltown.
*It doesn't really say 'TOTAL', she actually used a different word there.
1 comment:
It says "fucking."
(Gayle and Blake, Sarah is MUCH too well-bred to repeat that. I, on the other hand, was apparently raised in a brothel or a Judd Apatow film.)
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